This Section is for Real Estate Agents...How do we Engage?If you are an Agent then this section is for you. You're probably wondering... what is My Top Agent? My Top Agent finds the Top Local Agent in the vendors location and then recommends an agent. Everything inside our database is updated daily so we are up to date with what you guys are doing and not doing. If you are looking for help with your own Real Estate Marketing we have a small service that can help you with your mail outs and social media activity. Click here.
TIP: Are you looking for Real Estate Leads?If you are an agent looking for real estate leads only you may want to vist this site here there is over 500 agents using this site to generate leads thoughout New Zealand. You can set yourself up in less than 3 minutes. If you are an agent looking for an online service to manage your marketing and sales processes then check out manage me.
All information on this website, or information we may link to from this website, is of a general nature only. If you require specific advice on marketing or selling your property, you must engage a professional licensed Real Estate agent. My Top Agent does not sell or market Real Estate we specialise in finding Top Real Estate Agents that engage with the transaction of marketing and selling Real Estate.